Above: Elvis strolling down the street
New Orleans is famous for its parties - people make any excuse for a party and often need none. Compared to everyone else I felt more Irish than Finnigan's side-burns but that did not stop thousands of people dressing rediculously for St Patricks day and doing some of the most surreal Irish accents I have ever heard.
The wearing of the green - me and Lulu on St Patricks day
Anyhow, after a few days in new orleans living with a bunch of artists with a big common wardrobeof carnival costumes I realized there was nothing to stop me dressing up as much as I could.
Me dressed a little like Uncle Sam
I was not alone in this permanently festive atmosphere. I was very pleasantly surprised how well people generally dressed - many were over-weight but they dressed with a lot of style - way better than the English (that's not saying much) and many on a par with the French.
Johnie looking good at the wedding - a little rabbit like I think!
But when they go to town I don't think I have yet seen their match! The Mardi Gras Indians are the ultimate in this field.
Above - Indians at the end of the Super Sunday march
Followed closely by the Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs.
Second Line Dancers with Brass Band behind them
Both of these traditions are explained in the next chapter, here I just want to show photos of some of the wild ways people dress in New Orleans day in day out whatever the weather or time of day!
The happy couple Ratty and Oops at the wedding in the children's playground
Typical Californian girls ... he he he: Katya and Lila ...with no paaants ooon!
Buskers on Frenchman street - from left to right - Blu, Jessy, Colin and Jo
Bots and me drinking a cup of tea in our tweedledum tweedledee costumes
A melange of styles at the wedding
Setting off for the Second Line
Pierre Pressure at the wedding
Me dressed up
Machiah at the wedding as a bride's maid
Katie. Blu and Jo pimping out
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